A downloadable game for Windows

In a post apocalyptic abstract world, a technomancer must navigate the debris by solving puzzles and getting through various obstacles.

The Technomancer arrives by airdrop into the city. After leaving the drop, the Technomancer sets off on his journey to save the world. This journey is to save the city from completely falling apart by solving puzzles and collecting pieces along the way. The city as the technomancer progresses throughout the levels slowly rises through the sky starting on the ground, then to the sky, and then space.  Once these three pieces are collected, they will be combined to create a device that was once considered lost. Each piece of the puzzle is to be combined at the last level to recreate the lost device that restores the city.

In the future we would like to include more spells, updates to the telekinesis, and more dynamic levels. 


Shattered City

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